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embedxpm (1)
  • >> embedxpm (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


         embedxpm - embed xpm pictures into perl source


          embedxpm picture.xpm perl_source picture_name


         embedxpm can be used to embed xpm pictures directly into a
         perl program. To do this, your program source has to contain
         some markers (in the form of comments) that describe the
         position where the picture should be inserted.  To only
         insert the xpm data, use this form:
          #%XPM:<name of xpm>%
          <your xpm data goes here>
          #%XPM%<what to attach to the end of the data>
         Here is an example (taken from the Gimp/PDB program):
          C<# create the logo pixmap for the given widget
          sub create_logo($) {
             new Gtk::Pixmap(Gtk::Gdk::Pixmap->create_from_xpm_d(
                'xpm data', 'xpm data...',...
         To insert the xpm with the name example.xpm into this source
         you would have to use the following commandline:
          embedxpm example.xpm logo
         WARNING: embedxpm happily overwrites your source, without
         leaving a backup-copy around(!). If anything goes wrong (for
         example when you left out the end comment) your source may
         be lost, so better make a backup before. I am not
         responsible for your data-loss!


         None ;)


         Marc Lehmann <>

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