Так и не могу заставить подключиться к базе ((
Все блин ОК и такая опа...# dbmail-users -a mail@inviseble-demon.ru -w 123
Opening connection to database...
Failed. Could not connect to database (check log)
Command failed.
И хоть лопни...
Пользователь создан, пробывал через myphpadmin - все робит
Я даже под рутом пробывал :D
В чем может быть трабла !?
# $Id: dbmail.conf 1539 2004-12-27 21:41:07Z paul $
# (c) 2000-2002 IC&S, The Netherlands
# Configuration file for DBMAIL
# This configuration file needs to be run through dbmail-config to be effective
# after that, changes are effective inmediatly
/etc/dbmail.conf (может файл не тот ? O_o)
# Database settings
host=localhost # host for database, set to localhost if database is om
# the same host as dbmail and you want to use a local socket
# for connecting.
sqlport=3306 # if you want to use TCP/IP for connecting to the database,
# and have the database running on a non-standard port.
sqlsocket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock # when using a local socket connection to the database, fill
# in the path to the socket here (e.g. /var/run/mysql.sock)
user=dbmail # user to connect as to database
pass=dbmail-123 # password for user to database
db=dbmail # name of database
POSTMASTER=postmaster # postmaster's email address.
# trace level for dbmail-util
SENDMAIL=/usr/sbin/sendmail # sendmail executable for forwarding mail
EFFECTIVE_USER=nobody # the user that dbmail-lmtpd will run as (need to be root to bind to a port<1024)
EFFECTIVE_GROUP=nogroup # the group that dbmail-lmtpd will run as
BINDIP=* # the ipaddress the dbmail-lmtpd server has to bind
# to, * for all adresses. Use to only
# bind to localhost.
PORT=24 # the port number the dbmail-lmtpd server has to bind to.
NCHILDREN=20 # default number of LMTP handlers (each is a process)
MAXCHILDREN=10 # max. number of LMTP handlers
MAXCONNECTS=10000 # the maximum number of connections a default childs makes
TIMEOUT=300 # the time (s) before the dbmail-lmtpd should shutdown a connection which is being idle.
RESOLVE_IP=yes # if yes, the lmtp daemon resolves IP numbers to DNS names in the log
EFFECTIVE_USER=dbmail # the user that dbmail-pop3d will run as (need to be root to bind to a port<1024)
EFFECTIVE_GROUP=mail # the group that dbmail-pop3d will run as
BINDIP=* # the ipaddress the dbmail-pop3d server has to bind to, * for all addresses
PORT=110 # the port number the dbmail-pop3d server has to bind to.
NCHILDREN=10 # default number of POP3 handlers (each is a process)
MAXCHILDREN=20 # mac. number of POP3 handlers
MAXCONNECTS=100 # the maximum number of connections a default childs makes
TIMEOUT=300 # the time (s) before the dbmail-pop3d should shutdown a connection which is being idle.
RESOLVE_IP=yes # if yes, the pop daemon resolves IP numbers to DNS names in the log
MAXCHILDREN=200 # mac. number of IMAPD handlers
MAXCONNECTS=10000 # the maximum number of connections a default childs makes
TIMEOUT=4000 # the time (s) before the dbmail-imapd should shutdown a connection which is being idle.
RESOLVE_IP=yes # if yes, the imap daemon resolves IP numbers to DNS names in the log
# end of configuration file