Может кому-то будет нужно, оставлю ответ здесь:http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2328.txt
Wait Timer A single shot timer that causes the interface to exit the Waiting state, and as a consequence select a Designated Router on the network. The length of the timer is RouterDeadInterval seconds.
Для Cisco routers значение таймера настраивается командой
timers throttle spf spf-start spf-hold spf-maximum
spf-start - Indicates the initial SPF schedule delay in milliseconds. Value range is 1 to 600,000 milliseconds.
spf-hold - Indicates the minimum hold time between two consecutive SPF calculations. Value range is 1 to 600,000 milliseconds.
spf-maximum - Indicates the maximum wait time between two consecutive SPF calculations. Value range is 1 to 600,000 milliseconds.