Всем доброго дня. Вообщем имеется cisco 5350 голосовая. Через PRI-30 подрублена к городской станции КВАНТ-Е. Через данный линк имеем подключение к "горожанам". Далее КВАНТ-Е подключен к SI2000 (как точно не знаю, но думаю по ОКС-7)
На циску заведена городская нумерация с выделенным префиксом. (нумерация используется далее для проброса городских звонков на VoIP-телефоны)
Так же на циске поднята карточная платформа.конфиги:
boot system flash flash:c5350-ik8s-mz.123-19.bin
boot system flash flash:c5350-is-mz.122-2.XB10.bin
no boot startup-test
no logging monitor
resource-pool disable
clock timezone msk3 3
clock summer-time msk3 recurring last Sun Mar 2:00 last Sun Oct 3:00
clock calendar-valid
syscon shelf-id 1
spe country russia
spe recovery port-action recover
spe default-firmware spe-firmware-1
aaa new-model
aaa session-mib disconnect
aaa authentication password-prompt password:
aaa authentication username-prompt login:
aaa authentication login default local
aaa authentication login h323 group radius
aaa authentication login LINE-VTY local
aaa authentication ppp default group radius
aaa authorization exec default local group radius
aaa authorization exec h323 group radius
aaa authorization network default local group radius
aaa accounting update periodic 3
aaa accounting network default start-stop group radius
aaa accounting connection h323 start-stop group radius
aaa session-id common
ip subnet-zero
ip cef
ip name-server 213.xxx.xx.20
async-bootp dns-server 213.xxx.xxx.20 79.xxx.xxx.2
isdn switch-type primary-net5
voice call send-alert
voice class codec 701
codec preference 1 g729r8
codec preference 2 g729br8
codec preference 3 g723r63
codec preference 4 g723r53
codec preference 5 g723ar63
codec preference 6 g723ar53
fax interface-type fax-mail
controller E1 3/0
framing NO-CRC4
pri-group timeslots 1-31
controller E1 3/1
pri-group timeslots 1-31
policy-map OUT
gw-accounting h323
gw-accounting h323 vsa
gw-accounting voip
interface Serial3/0:15
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-net5
isdn incoming-voice modem 64
isdn guard-timer 20000
isdn calling-number 630000
isdn send-alerting
isdn negotiate-bchan
isdn bchan-number-order ascending
isdn sending-complete
no cdp enable
interface Group-Async1
ip unnumbered Loopback0
ip nat inside
encapsulation ppp
ip policy route-map PPPoE
async mode dedicated
peer default ip address pool setup_pool
ppp authentication pap
group-range 1/00 1/59
radius-server attribute 44 include-in-access-req
radius-server configure-nas
radius-server host 213.xxx.xxx.2 auth-port 1945 acct-port 1946
radius-server key 7 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
radius-server vsa send accounting
radius-server vsa send authentication
call application voice debit1 tftp://213.xxx.xxx.2/debitcard.1.1.4.tcl
call application voice debit1 uid-len 6
call application voice debit1 pin-len 6
call application voice debit1 language 0 ru
call application voice debit1 set-location ru 0 tftp://213.xxx.xxx.2/prompts/ru/
voice-port 3/0:D
cptone RU
bearer-cap Speech
voice-port 3/1:D
playout-delay mode fixed
cptone RU
bearer-cap Speech
dial-peer voice 8766 pots
application debit1
incoming called-number 6[7,3]0000
answer-address 630000
destination-pattern 7876.......
translate-outgoing called 7876
port 3/0:D
dial-peer voice 631111 pots
application data_dialpeer
incoming called-number 6[7,3]1111
dial-peer voice 6300002 pots
description TELEKOM-PSTN-IN
incoming called-number 63[01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09]..
forward-digits all
dial-peer voice 63600022 voip
description TELEKOM-PSTN-OUT
destination-pattern 63[01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09]..
translate-outgoing called 27
voice-class codec 701
session target ipv4:79.xxx.xxx.4
dtmf-relay h245-alphanumeric
ip qos dscp cs5 media
dial-peer voice 8104 voip
description MVTS-216
destination-pattern .T
progress_ind setup enable 3
progress_ind progress enable 8
translate-outgoing called 7095
voice-class codec 701
session target ipv4:79.XXX.XXX.4
ip qos dscp cs5 media
а вот теперь момент - номер карточной платформы - 630000, номер офиса - 630009
и, если "горожанин" (тот что подкрублен напрямую к кванту) звонит на 630000 - слышит приглашение, на 630009 - слышит оператора. НО..... если звонить с мобил (которые попадают на квант через SI2000) - то 630000 - идет сброс, а вот на 630009 - дозванивается без проблем!!.
Лог звонка "горожанина":
00:22:02: ISDN Se3/0:15 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x2100
Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A3
Standard = CCITT
Transfer Capability = Speech
Transfer Mode = Circuit
Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
Channel ID i = 0xA9839A
Exclusive, Channel 26
Progress Ind i = 0x8281 - Call not end-to-end ISDN, may have in-band info
Calling Party Number i = 0x0183, '4551430'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
Called Party Number i = 0x81, '630000'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
00:22:02: ISDN Se3/0:15 Q931: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8 callref = 0xA100
Channel ID i = 0xA9839A
Exclusive, Channel 26
00:22:02: ISDN Se3/0:15 Q931: TX -> CONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0xA100
00:22:02: ISDN Se3/0:15 Q931: RX <- CONNECT_ACK pd = 8 callref = 0x2100
00:22:27: ISDN Se3/0:15 Q931: RX <- DISCONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x2100
Cause i = 0x8490 - Normal call clearing
Progress Ind i = 0x8488 - In-band info or appropriate now available
00:22:27: ISDN Se3/0:15 Q931: call_disc: PI received in disconnect; Postpone sending RELEASE for callid 0x16
00:22:27: ISDN Se3/0:15 Q931: TX -> RELEASE pd = 8 callref = 0xA100
00:22:27: ISDN Se3/0:15 Q931: RX <- RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x2100
лог звонка с "мобильника" (через SI2000):
00:23:07: ISDN Se3/0:15 Q931: RX <- SETUP pd = 8 callref = 0x2100
Bearer Capability i = 0x8090A3
Standard = CCITT
Transfer Capability = Speech
Transfer Mode = Circuit
Transfer Rate = 64 kbit/s
Channel ID i = 0xA9839B
Exclusive, Channel 27
Progress Ind i = 0x8281 - Call not end-to-end ISDN, may have in-band info
Calling Party Number i = 0x0183, '6445827'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
Called Party Number i = 0x81, '630000'
Plan:ISDN, Type:Unknown
00:23:07: ISDN Se3/0:15 Q931: TX -> CALL_PROC pd = 8 callref = 0xA100
Channel ID i = 0xA9839B
Exclusive, Channel 27
00:23:07: ISDN Se3/0:15 Q931: TX -> CONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0xA100
00:23:07: ISDN Se3/0:15 Q931: RX <- CONNECT_ACK pd = 8 callref = 0x2100
00:23:08: ISDN Se3/0:15 Q931: RX <- DISCONNECT pd = 8 callref = 0x2100
Cause i = 0x8490 - Normal call clearing
Progress Ind i = 0x8488 - In-band info or appropriate now available
00:23:08: ISDN Se3/0:15 Q931: call_disc: PI received in disconnect; Postpone sending RELEASE for callid 0x17
00:23:08: ISDN Se3/0:15 Q931: TX -> RELEASE pd = 8 callref = 0xA100
00:23:08: ISDN Se3/0:15 Q931: RX <- RELEASE_COMP pd = 8 callref = 0x2100
Самое что интересное, если "горожанин" будет звонить на 630000 не прямым набором, а через "восьмерку" (то есть как бы на межгород, в этом случае он попадает на SI2000, с нее снова заворачивается на КВАНТ и идет на циску) - то его звонок тоже сбрасывается, но на 630009 - проходит на ура.
Есть у кого мысли ????