так например у меня в mrtg####################################################################
# net traffic graphing section from "netstat -bin"
# change "grep" to another ip to measure a different ip
# or "Link#1" etc to measure total traffic for whole link (netcard)
Target[netstat1]: `perl -e '@a=split(/\s+/,qx(netstat -bin|grep Link#1));printf "%.0f\n%.0f\n1\nnet traffic\n",$a[6],$a[9];'`;
Options[netstat1]: dorelpercent, growright, nobanner, noinfo, nopercent, transparent
MaxBytes[netstat1]: 1000000
AbsMax[netstat1]: 2000000
kilo[netstat1]: 1024
YLegend[netstat1]: Bytes per second
ShortLegend[netstat1]: B/s
Legend1[netstat1]: Incoming Traffic in Bytes per second
Legend2[netstat1]: Outgoing Traffic in Bytes per second
LegendI[netstat1]: In:
LegendO[netstat1]: Out:
Title[netstat1]: Server net traffic
PageTop[netstat1]: <center><H1>Server net traffic</h1>