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"Senior C++ Developer - Windows"
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"Senior C++ Developer - Windows"  
Сообщение от DolceVita email(??) on 28-Фев-07, 15:25 
We have been in business for more than 6 years and have over 120 employees worldwide.

Position Description

We require a Senior C++ Developer to work in a high caliber team whose task is to build new, complex, ‘world first’ commercial products in the area of Video/Audio conferencing. This is a full-time position based in Riga, Latvia.

Skills Required / Candidate Profile

•    Exceptional programmer and system designer for Windows systems
•    Good algorithmic and implementation skills
•    4+ years of C++ development and 5+ years of working experience
•    Experience with project management and formalized development processes
•    Experience in managing a team of developers as their technical leader.
•    Understands the need to follow procedures and is able to create functional and system specifications
•    Good communicational skills and the ability to motivate other members of the team
•    Spoken and written English

•    Visual Studio environment (C++)
•    OOP concepts and implementation
•    Win32 API
•    ATL/ActiveX
•    MFC
•    Networking (TCP, UDP)
•    Knowledge in the following areas is a plus:
o    DirectShow -  Video/Audio capture, filters, codecs
o    Internet/streaming specific issues (bandwidth limitation, audio/video synchronization, etc)
•    Experience with MPEG4 video/audio compression and codecs is a plus.
•    Familiarity with Visual Basic 6 (User Interface) is a plus.

Top Reasons to Work at ISS

•    Challenging, exciting, ‘world first’ projects
•    A young multi-national English-based team
•    Office located in the very center of Riga, walking distance to most of the popular restaurants, pubs, cafés and night clubs – 100s of them.
•    Work environment according to International standards (currently setting up on-site recreational facilities – gym, entertainment area and cafeteria)
•    Care and dedication from the management team and your colleagues – we’re all striving to achieve the common good
•    Aid in the relocation process, for you and your close family, if needed
•    Salary – to attract the very best, additional benefits

Available Project Areas

We have openings in the following major project areas:

•    Video and audio broadcaster – maintenance and development of new features (implementation of MPEG4/xvid encoding, etc.); team leader and main technical person.
•    Hotel system – interactive and participation TV developer.
Высылайте резюме на русском и английском языках, работа в Риге,Латвия. Зарплата от 2000 $ на руки,зарплата белая.Собеседование происходит по телефону,для дальнейшей беседы компания опличивает проезд,проживание и визу в Ригу. Уважаемые соискатели в случае вашей заинтересо-ванности в нашем предложении просьба высылать резюме на и мы свяжем-ся с вами! Дополнительная информация по вакансии по тел. 2210896 или ICQ 341586012. Ольга

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