>Пользователям запретил посещать некоторые сайты ради уменьшения трафика. Но получилось что при
>попытке зайти на них пользователь получает отказ, а сквид этот сайт
>выкачивает. В среднем 40Мб безполезного трафика создаёться в день.
Учите матчасть...
>1118643860.046 167 TCP_DENIED/403 1428 GET /datafiles.cb -
>NONE/- text/html
6.6 access.log
The size is the amount of data delivered to the client. Mind that this does not constitute the net object size, as headers are also counted. Also, failed requests may deliver an error page, the size of which is also logged here.
6.7 Squid result codes
Access was denied for this request.
6.10 Hierarchy Codes
For TCP HIT, TCP failures, cachemgr requests and all UDP requests, there is no hierarchy information.
>1118643860.046 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF D64468D759D36B13C2EC880CBF8D6EDF 403 1118643860
> 0 1118 643860 text/html 1131/1364 GET
6.4 store.log
RELEASE The object was removed from the cache (see also file number).
file number
The file number for the object storage file. Please note that the path to this file is calculated according to your cache_dir configuration.
A file number of FFFFFFFF denominates "memory only" objects. Any action code for such a file number refers to an object which existed only in memory, not on disk. For instance, if a RELEASE code was logged with file number FFFFFFFF, the object existed only in memory, and was released from memory.
>- файл вроде и запришён для просмотра и вто же время выкачан
>из инета.
... и русский язык :)