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Обобщенный отчет за 26 марта 2025 г.

  • << Предыдущий день

    Группа: Русскоязычные блоги

    - Настройка форвардинга на UFW для Ubuntu Server


    - Прямое подключение диска в VirtualBox


    - Релиз Linux 6.14


    - Я устал возиться с кучей VPN и поставил Xray на роутер


    - Тестируем производительность КОМПАС-3D на Linux


    - DNS-сервер на базе BIND9 на Ubuntu Server VMware Workstation

    - Haiku Nightly. Неделя на Гайке, впечатления

    Группа: Программирование и web-технологии

    - таля призупинила розгортання Starlink через заяви Маска про Украну. З ким ще проблеми у компан


    - В Укран знизилася популярнсть IT-курсв. Найбльше навчалися у 2022 роц


    - Робота не за жу, а за нтернет, прихован камери в офсах та мфчнсть адмнв  DOU Retro #2


    - До 2028 року Украна може обгнати зраль  стати центром стартапв. Нк Блогорський про США, Google та нвестиц

    - Open-source AI is hard. Blueprints can help!

    - Open-source AI is hard. Blueprints can help!

    PostgreSQL News

    - powa-collector 1.3.1 is out!

    Группа: Solaris

    - Solaris 11.4 SRU 75: Creating a Clone in .clone

    Группа: Linux

    - Linux 6.15 CRC Code Should See Big Speed-Ups For Intel/AMD AVX-512 CPUs


    - Fedora 42 beta has so many spins, it'll make your head whirl


    - GRUB Bootloader Received 73 Patches To Fix A Variety Of Recent Security Issues


    - The Open Source Initiative (OSI) Might Get 'Forked' Soon


    - 12 Lightweight Markup Languages


    - GIMP 3.0.2 Image Editor Improves the Flatpak Bundle and Fixes Various Issues


    - MPV 0.40 Media Player Brings Native HDR, Major UI Enhancements


    - FET536-C SoM Carrier with High-Speed Interfaces and GPIO Expansion


    - Fwupd 2.0.7 Brings UEFI Memory Protection Verification


    - MPV 0.40 Open-Source Video Player Released with Native HDR Support on Linux


    - Install Jitsi on Ubuntu 24.04


    - Raspberry Pi PoE+ Injector Launches For $25 USD


    - AerynOS 2025.03 Released with GNOME 48, Mesa 25, and Linux Kernel 6.13.8


    - Fwupd 2.0.7 Released With New Plug-Ins & Additional Hardware Support


    - EU OS: A Bold Step Toward Digital Sovereignty for Europe


    - Zoц╚ Kooyman on Post-Stallman Changes at the Free Software Foundation (Part 2)


    - MPV 0.40 Media Player Released With Wayland HDR Support

    - Xojo 2025r1: Big Updates for Developers with Linux ARM Support, Web Drag and Drop, and Direct App Store Publishing


    - AerynOS 2025.03 Alpha Released with GNOME 48, Mesa 25, and Linux Kernel 6.13.8


    - Linus Torvalds Acknowledges Missed Release of Linux 6.14 Due to Oversight


    - EU OS: A Bold Step Toward Digital Sovereignty for Europe

    - MPV 0.40 Open-Source Video Player Released with Native HDR Support on Linux


    - Fwupd 2.0.7 Linux Firmware Updater Adds Support for More Lenovo and HP Devices


    - AerynOS 2025.03 Released with GNOME 48, Mesa 25, and Linux Kernel 6.13.8


    - BSD and GNU/Linux Leftovers


    - Games: SNES Getting Faster and GNU/Linux Got Better Than Windows on Gaming Handhelds


    - Mozilla on Lack of Privacy and Hey Hi (AI) Hype


    - Linux Devices/Embedded: PCBs, Raspberry Pi, and More


    - Audiocasts/Shows: Linux User Space, Late Night Linux, and Destination Linux


    - Security and Microsoft TCO


    - XZ Utils 5.8 Introduces Performance Improvements in the LZMA/LZMA2 Decoder


    - Xojo 2025r1: Big Updates for Developers with Linux ARM Support, Web Drag and Drop, and Direct App Store Publishing | Lin


    - Meet Abelujo, a free software solution for managing bookstores


    - Freedesktop SDK Retires CiscoБ─≥s OpenH264 Codec Library


    - Windows 10 Support Ends: Which Linux Distribution Should You Choose?


    - KDE: 2025 15-Minute Bug Initiative update


    - Variscite Expands SoM Lineup with VAR-SOM-AM62P Featuring TI Sitara AM62Px Processor


    - 5 powerful GIMP features I use nearly every day for easy, free photo editing


    - Security, Windows TCO, and Reliability Leftovers


    - Introducing Post-Quantum Cryptography for IPsec in IPFire


    - Immich 1.130 Released with Massive Speed Gains


    - Games: 3D-Printed Gaming PC, Civilization VII, and More

    Группа: Блог планеты

    - FSF Blogs: Meet Abelujo, a free software solution for managing bookstores


    - FSF Events: Community meetup in Lviv, Ukraine


    - FSF Events: Free Software Directory meeting on IRC: Friday, March 28, starting at 12:00 EDT (16:00 UTC)


    - FSF Events: Free Software Directory meeting on IRC: Friday, April 4, starting at 12:00 EDT (16:00 UTC)

    Группа: Обновление ПО

    - 03/25 docker 28.0.3


    - 03/19 docker 28.0.3


    - 03/25 docker 28.0.4


    - 03/19 docker 28.0.4


    - 03/25 xz 5.8.0


    - 03/25 octave 10.1.0


    - 03/26 qt 6.8.3


    - 03/26 LibreOffice 25.2.2

    Группа: Top sites

    - Latest Batch Of Rust Compiler Updates For GCC 15.1 Lands Support For... For Loops


    - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 5070 Linux Gaming/Graphics Performance


    - Fwupd 2.0.7 Released With New Plug-Ins & Additional Hardware Support


    - MPV 0.40 Media Player Released With Wayland HDR Support


    - XZ 5.8 Debuts As First Major Feature Release Since The Backdoor Disaster


    - Linux 6.15 Goes Very Heavy On Intel & AMD x86_64 CPU Changes


    - Microsoft Brings Two More Features To Hyper-V With Linux 6.15


    - Intel Low Power Mode Daemon 0.0.9 Released For Linux Users


    - Minor VFS File Optimizations Merged For Linux 6.15


    - IBM Says Goodbye To Cell Blade Servers With Linux 6.15


    - KDE Developers Begin Working On A New Login Manager


    - AerynOS 2025.03 Released Following Rebrand From Serpent OS


    - Linux 6.15 Adds Raptor Lake-S Support To Intel EDAC Driver

    - How NixOS and reproducible builds could have detected the xz backdoor for the benefit of all

    - Bhattcharya: Closing the chapter on OpenH264


    - [$] The state of the page in 2025

    Группа: Русскоязычные системы

    - mpv 0.40


    - Компания Cloudflare опубликовала opkssh для аутентификации в SSH через OpenID Connect

    OpenNews mini

    - Релиз видеоплеера MPV 0.40


    - Опубликован AerynOS 2025.03, первый выпуск после переименования Serpent OS


    - Выпуск CRIU 4.1, системы для сохранения и восстановления состояния процессов в Linux


    - Выпуск системы проектирования печатных плат LibrePCB 1.3.0

    Группа: Безопасность

    - openSUSE: 2025:0998-1 important: freetype2 Advisory Security Update


    - SUSE: 2025:1005-1 important: google-guest-agent Security Advisory Updates


    - openSUSE: 2025:1003-1 important: libxslt Advisory Security Update


    - SUSE: 2025:1002-1 important: python-gunicorn Security Advisory Updates


    - How Linux Security Admins Can Safeguard Firefox from Add-On Breakage


    - Ubuntu 7371-1: FreeRDP Security Advisory Updates


    - openSUSE: 2025:14919-1 moderate: forgejo-10.0.3-1.1 Advisory Security Update


    - SUSE: 2025:1012-1 important: php8 Security Advisory Updates


    - openSUSE: 2025:1012-1 important: php8 Advisory Security Update


    - openSUSE: 2025:14920-1 moderate: gitleaks-8.24.2-1.1 Advisory Security Update


    - Debian: DSA-5886-1: ruby-rack Security Advisory Updates


    - Ubuntu 7372-1: Varnish Security Advisory Updates


    - Mageia 2025-0116: radare2 Security Advisory Updates


    - Mageia 2025-0114: ffmpeg Security Advisory Updates

    FreeBSD VuXML

    - electron{33,34} -- Type Confusion in V8

    Группа: blog_mix

    - Сокрытие объектов

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