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Useful mail variables

For a complete list of mail variables, see the manual page for the mail(1) command.

   Variable             Default       Action

askcc noaskcc Prompts you for the names of the users you to send carbon copies to. editheaders Include the message headers when writing a mail message using an editor. folder=directory the directory to save mail files in. hold nohold keep messages that have been read in the system mailbox, not the mbox file. keepsave nokeepsave do not delete messages that have been saved. Keep them in the system mailbox. PAGER more the pager used to paginate output when a message is longer than the screen. sign=signature defines the "signature" inserted in the mail message by the ~a command. Sign=signature defines the "signature" inserted in the mail message by the ~A command. topline=number 5 the number of lines of the top of each message to print with the ~t command. VISUAL=editor the name of the editor called by the ~v command. editor is given as a full pathname.

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