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Example of how mail is displayed

This is an example of how mail is displayed.

   Mail version SMI 4.0 Thu Oct 11 12:59:09 PDT 1990  Type ? for help.
   "/usr/spool/mail/fred": 5 messages 2 new 1 unread
    *  1  F.Bloggs@ed       Wed Jun 1   14:22   108/4120  using mail
       2  Scott@ucl.cs      Wed Jun 1   20:17   37/1648   RFI
    U  3  colin             Fri Jun 3   11:37   43/1372   usability testing 
   >N  4    Fri Jun 3   11:54   16/365    meeting
    N  5  jcarr@ed.lfcs     Sun Jun 5   18:29   19/391    Re:Using mail

Each message has a number, followed by information about that message. At the beginning of each line is a status indicator:

	>	the current message

	U	message has not been read

	N	this is a new message

	*	message has been saved

	(blank) message has been read but not saved

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