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route6d ()
  • >> route6d (8) ( FreeBSD man: Команды системного администрирования )

  • BSD mandoc


     - RIP6 Routing Daemon


    [-adDhlnqsS ] -words [-R routelog ] -words [-A prefix/preflen,if1[,if2...] ] -words [-L prefix/preflen,if1[,if2...] ] -words [-N if1[,if2...] ] -words [-O prefix/preflen,if1[,if2...] ] -words [-T if1[,if2...] ] -words [-t tag ]  


    The utility is a routing daemon which supports RIP over IPv6.

    Options are:

    Enables aging of the statically defined routes. With this option, any statically defined routes will be removed unless corresponding updates arrive as if the routes are received at the startup of .
    -R routelog
    This option makes the to log the route change (add/delete) to the file routelog
    -A prefix/preflen,if1[,if2...]
    This option is used for aggregating routes. prefix/preflen specifies the prefix and the prefix length of the aggregated route. When advertising routes, filters specific routes covered by the aggregate, and advertises the aggregated route prefix/preflen to the interfaces specified in the comma-separated interface list, if1[,if2...] The utility creates a static route to prefix/preflen with RTF_REJECT flag, into the kernel routing table.
    Enables output of debugging message. This option also instructs to run in foreground mode (does not become daemon).
    Enables extensive output of debugging message. This option also instructs to run in foreground mode (does not become daemon).
    Disables the split horizon processing.
    By default, will not exchange site local routes for safety reasons. This is because semantics of site local address space is rather vague (specification is still in being worked), and there is no good way to define site local boundary. With -l option, will exchange site local routes as well. It must not be used on site boundary routers, since -l option assumes that all interfaces are in the same site.
    -L prefix/preflen,if1[,if2...]
    Filter incoming routes from interfaces if1,[if2...] The utility will accept incoming routes that are in prefix/preflen If multiple -L options are specified, any routes that match one of the options is accepted. ::/0 is treated specially as default route, not Do any route that has longer prefix length than, or equal to 0 Dc . If you would like to accept any route, specify no -L option. For example, with Do -L 3ffe::/16,if1 -L ::/0,if1 Dc will accept default route and routes in 6bone test address, but no others.
    Do not update the kernel routing table.
    -N if1[,if2...]
    Do not listen to, or advertise, route from/to interfaces specified by if1,[if2...]
    -O prefix/preflen,if1[,if2...]
    Restrict route advertisement toward interfaces specified by if1,[if2...] With this option will only advertise routes that matches prefix/preflen
    Makes in listen-only mode. No advertisement is sent.
    Makes to advertise the statically defined routes which exist in the kernel routing table when invoked. Announcements obey the regular split horizon rule.
    This option is the same as -s option except that no split horizon rule does apply.
    -T if1[,if2...]
    Advertise only default route, toward if1,[if2...]
    -t tag
    Attach route tag tag to originated route entries. tag can be decimal, octal prefixed by 0 or hexadecimal prefixed by 0x

    Upon receipt of signal SIGINT or SIGUSR1 will dump the current internal state into /var/run/route6d_dump  


    dumps internal state on SIGINT or SIGUSR1



    G. Malkin R. Minnear RIPng for IPv6 RFC2080 January 1997


    The utility uses IPv6 advanced API, defined in RFC2292, for communicating with peers using link-local addresses.

    Internally embeds interface identifier into bit 32 to 63 of link-local addresses ( fe80::xx and ff02::xx so they will be visible on internal state dump file (/var/run/route6d_dump )

    Routing table manipulation differs from IPv6 implementation to implementation. Currently obeys WIDE Hydrangea/KAME IPv6 kernel, and will not be able to run on other platforms.

    Current does not reduce the rate of the triggered updates when consecutive updates arrive.




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    Created 1996-2025 by Maxim Chirkov
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