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mount_mfs ()
  • >> mount_mfs (8) ( FreeBSD man: Команды системного администрирования )

  • BSD mandoc


     - configure and mount an in-memory file system using the


    [-DLlMNPSUX ] [-a maxcontig ] [-b block-size ] [-c blocks-per-cylinder-group ] [-d max-extent-size ] [-E path-mdconfig ] [-e maxbpg ] [-F file ] [-f frag-size ] [-i bytes ] [-m percent-free ] [-n rotational-positions ] [-O optimization ] [-o mount-options ] [-p permissions ] [-s size ] [-v version ] [-w user : group ] md-device mount-point  


    The utility is designed to be a work-alike and look-alike of the deprecated mount_mfs8. The end result is essentially the same, but is accomplished in a completely different way. The utility configures an md(4) disk using mdconfig(8), puts a UFS file system on it (unless -P was specified) using newfs(8), and mounts it using mount(8). It can handle geom_uzip4 compressed disk images, as long as the kernel supports this GEOM class. All the command line options are passed to the appropriate program at the appropriate stage in order to achieve the desired effect.

    By default, creates a swap-based (MD_SWAP ) disk with soft-updates enabled and mounts it on mount-point It uses the md(4) device specified by md-device If md-device is `md' (no unit number), it will use md(4)Ns's auto-unit feature to automatically select an unused device. Unless otherwise specified with one of the options below, it uses the default arguments to all the helper programs.

    The following options are available. Where possible, the option letter matches the one used by mount_mfs8 for the same thing.

    -a maxcontig
    Specify the maximum number of contiguous blocks that will be laid out before forcing a rotational delay (see the -d option).
    -b block-size
    The block size of the file system, in bytes.
    -c blocks-per-cylinder-group
    The number of blocks per cylinder group in the file system.
    If not using auto-unit, do not run mdconfig(8) to try to detach the unit before attaching it.
    -d max-extent-size
    The file system may choose to store large files using extents. This parameter specifies the largest extent size that may be used. It is presently limited to its default value which is 16 times the file system blocksize.
    -E path-mdconfig
    Use path-mdconfig as a location of the mdconfig(8) utility.
    -e maxbpg
    Indicate the maximum number of blocks any single file can allocate out of a cylinder group before it is forced to begin allocating blocks from another cylinder group.
    -F file
    Create a vnode-backed (MD_VNODE ) memory disk backed by file
    -f frag-size
    The fragment size of the file system in bytes.
    -i bytes
    Number of bytes per inode.
    Enable multilabel MAC on the new file system.
    Show the output of the helper programs. By default, it is sent to /dev/null
    Create a malloc(9) backed disk (MD_MALLOC ) instead of a swap-backed disk.
    -m percent-free
    The percentage of space reserved for the superuser.
    Do not actually run the helper programs. This is most useful in conjunction with -X
    -n rotational-positions
    The default number of rotational positions to distinguish.
    -O optimization
    Select the optimization preference; valid choices are space and time which will optimize for minimum space fragmentation and minimum time spent allocating blocks, respectively.
    -o mount-options
    Specify the mount options with which to mount the file system. See mount(8) for more information.
    Preserve the existing file system; do not run newfs(8). This only makes sense if -F is specified to create a vnode-backed disk.
    -p permissions
    Set the file (directory) permissions of the mount point mount-point to permissions The permissions argument can be in any of the mode formats recognized by chmod(1). If symbolic permissions are specified, the operation characters ``+'' and ``-'' are interpreted relative to the initial permissions of ``a=rwx''
    Do not enable soft-updates on the file system.
    -s size
    Specify the size of the disk to create. This only makes sense if -F is not specified. That is, this will work for the default swap-backed (MD_SWAP ) disks, and the optional (-M ) malloc(9) backed disks (MD_MALLOC )
    Enable soft-updates on the file system. This is the default, and is accepted only for compatibility. It is only really useful to negate the -S flag, should such a need occur.
    -v version
    Specify the UFS version number for use on the file system; it may be either 1 or 2 The default is derived from the default of the newfs(8) command.
    -w user : group
    Set the owner and group to user and group respectively. The arguments have the same semantics as with chown(8), but specifying just a user or just a group is not supported.
    Print what command will be run before running it, and other assorted debugging information.

    The -F and -s options are passed to mdconfig(8) as -f and -s respectively. The -a , b , c , d , e , f , i , m and -n options are passed to newfs(8) with the same letter; the -O option is passed to newfs(8) as -o The -o option is passed to mount(8) with the same letter. See the programs that the options are passed to for more information on their semantics.  


    Create and mount a 32 megabyte swap-backed file system on /tmp

    "mdmfs -s 32m md /tmp"

    The same file system created as an entry in /etc/fstab

    "md /tmp mfs rw,-s32m 2 0"

    Create and mount a 16 megabyte malloc-backed file system on /tmp using the /dev/md1 device; furthermore, do not use soft-updates on it and mount it async

    "mdmfs -M -S -o async -s 16m md1 /tmp"

    Create and mount a geom_uzip4 based compressed disk image:

    "mdmfs -P -F foo.uzip -oro md.uzip /tmp/"

    Mount the same image, specifying the /dev/md1 device:

    "mdmfs -P -F foo.uzip -oro md1.uzip /tmp/"

    Configure a vnode-backed file system and mount its first partition, using automatic device numbering:

    "mdmfs -P -F foo.img mds1a /tmp/"


    The utility, while designed to be compatible with mount_mfs8, can be useful by itself. Since mount_mfs8 had some silly defaults, a ``compatibility'' mode is provided for the case where bug-to-bug compatibility is desired.

    Compatibility is enabled by starting with the name mount_mfs or mfs (as returned by getprogname(3)). In this mode, the following behavior, as done by mount_mfs8, is duplicated:



    md(4), fstab(5), mdconfig(8), mount(8), newfs(8)  


    An Dima Dorfman




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