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mgetty_fax ()
  • >> mgetty_fax (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )


    fax - fax sending and receiving with mgetty+sendfax


    faxspool [options] phone-number file

    faxrm job-id

    faxq [options]

    faxrunq [options]

    sendfax [options] phone-number file

    mgetty [options] tty

    pbm2g3 [options] [pbm-file]

    g32pbm [options] [pbm-file]

    g3cat [options] [g3-file(s)]



    This manpage very briefly describes every program from the mgetty+sendfax fax/modem software suite. For details, see the manpages for each program.

    faxspool is used to queue jobs for later transmission by fax. faxspool accepts different input formats, converts them into the proper format required by sendfax and places the jobs into the outgoing spool directory.

    faxq displays the current FAX work queue.

    faxrm removes one or more jobs from the current fax work queue. You have to specify the job id (returned by faxq) on the command line.

    faxrunq processes all the faxes in the fax work queue, and sends them one-by-one. If transmission isn't possible, the job will be retried later. While meant to be run from cron, faxrunq can as well be started from the shell (but you must be root).

    sendfax is the backend used by faxrunq for actually sending the fax. It is not meant to be ever called directly, but can be used in own applications.

    mgetty is the part of the program suite that handles incoming calls. Data calls are handled as getty does it (login, shell), while fax calls are handled internally. The received faxes are stored in /var/spool/fax/incoming. See the mgetty(1) manpage for details. mgetty can not be called directly, it must be called by /etc/init.

    pbm2g3 is used to convert portable bitmaps to G3 fax data (for sendfax). Do not use the pbmtog3 program from the pbmplus or netpbm toolkit, it will create broken G3 data.

    g32pbm is used to convert received faxes (which are stored in G3 format) to portable bitmap format. PBM can be converted to other formats with the named pbmplus toolkit.

    g3cat is used to concat multiple G3 files, as cat does with text files.



    outgoing fax spool directory
    incoming faxes
    The cover page program, and a few font files live here.
    most configuration files for mgetty and sendfax live here.
    mgetty and sendfax live here
    all the other programs
    global fax alias file
    private fax alias file
    list of allowed users
    list of denied users
    fax page header
    program to create fax cover page (see coverpg(1)).
    login configuration file for mgetty.
    caller ID setup file for mgetty (optional).
    runtime configuration file for mgetty (not implemented yet).
    runtime configuration file for sendfax (optional).



    Look into the responding man pages.



    faxspool(1), faxq(1), faxrunq(1), sendfax(8), faxrm(1), mgetty(8), pbm2g3(1), g32pbm(1), g3cat(1), faxqueue(5), mgettydefs(4), coverpg(1)  


    The mgetty+sendfax program suite is Copyright (C) 1993 by Gert Doering, <>. Parts of the programs kindly donated by Chris Lewis, Paul Sutcliffe, Klaus Weidner, and numerous others.




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