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futimes ()
  • >> futimes (2) ( FreeBSD man: Системные вызовы )
  • futimes (3) ( Linux man: Библиотечные вызовы )

  • BSD mandoc


     - set file access and modification times


    Lb libc


       #include <sys/time.h>
    int utimes (const char *path const struct timeval *times);
    int lutimes (const char *path const struct timeval *times);
    int futimes (int fd const struct timeval *times);


    The access and modification times of the file named by Fa path or referenced by Fa fd are changed as specified by the argument Fa times .

    If Fa times is NULL the access and modification times are set to the current time. The caller must be the owner of the file, have permission to write the file, or be the super-user.

    If Fa times is non- NULL it is assumed to point to an array of two timeval structures. The access time is set to the value of the first element, and the modification time is set to the value of the second element. For file systems that support file birth (creation) times (such as UFS2 ) the birth time will be set to the value of the second element if the second element is older than the currently set birth time. To set both a birth time and a modification time, two calls are required; the first to set the birth time and the second to set the (presumably newer) modification time. Ideally a new system call will be added that allows the setting of all three times at once. The caller must be the owner of the file or be the super-user.

    In either case, the inode-change-time of the file is set to the current time.

    The lutimes ();
    system call is like utimes ();
    except in the case where the named file is a symbolic link, in which case lutimes ();
    changes the access and modification times of the link, while utimes ();
    changes the times of the file the link references.  


    Rv -std  


    The utimes ();
    and lutimes ();
    system calls will fail if:

    Bq Er EACCES
    Search permission is denied for a component of the path prefix; or the Fa times argument is NULL and the effective user ID of the process does not match the owner of the file, and is not the super-user, and write access is denied.
    Bq Er EFAULT
    The Fa path or Fa times argument points outside the process's allocated address space.
    Bq Er EIO
    An I/O error occurred while reading or writing the affected inode.
    Bq Er ELOOP
    Too many symbolic links were encountered in translating the pathname.
    A component of a pathname exceeded NAME_MAX characters, or an entire path name exceeded PATH_MAX characters.
    Bq Er ENOENT
    The named file does not exist.
    A component of the path prefix is not a directory.
    Bq Er EPERM
    The Fa times argument is not NULL and the calling process's effective user ID does not match the owner of the file and is not the super-user.
    Bq Er EPERM
    The named file has its immutable or append-only flag set, see the chflags(2) manual page for more information.
    Bq Er EROFS
    The file system containing the file is mounted read-only.

    The futimes ();
    system call will fail if:

    Bq Er EBADF
    The Fa fd argument does not refer to a valid descriptor.

    All of the system calls will fail if:

    Bq Er EACCES
    The Fa times argument is NULL and the effective user ID of the process does not match the owner of the file, and is not the super-user, and write access is denied.
    Bq Er EFAULT
    The Fa times argument points outside the process's allocated address space.
    Bq Er EINVAL
    The tv_usec component of at least one of the values specified by the Fa times argument has a value less than 0 or greater than 999999.
    Bq Er EIO
    An I/O error occurred while reading or writing the affected inode.
    Bq Er EPERM
    The Fa times argument is not NULL and the calling process's effective user ID does not match the owner of the file and is not the super-user.
    Bq Er EROFS
    The file system containing the file is mounted read-only.



    chflags(2), stat(2), utime(3)  


    The utimes ();
    system call appeared in BSD 4.2 The futimes ();
    and lutimes ();
    system calls first appeared in Fx 3.0 .




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