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fontimport ()
  • >> fontimport (1) ( Solaris man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
  • fontimport (1) ( Linux man: Команды и прикладные программы пользовательского уровня )
         fontimport - import fonts into the teTeX directory structure
         fontimport [-d] [-f] [-t] [-m MF-mode]
         fontimport imports TFM and PK font  files  into  appropriate
         places  in  the  teTeX  directory  tree  and revises teTeX's
         filename database accordingly.
         Each path may be a font file or a directory, either absolute
         or relative to the current directory.  All subdirectories of
         a given  directory  are  searched  for  font  files.   Don't
         specify  directory  names  that are symbolic links, however,
         since (at least some versions of) find(1) won't  dereference
         A font's destination is determined by variables in the  file
         texmf.cnf.   By  default, fontimport will issue a warning to
         stderr instead of overwriting an existing font file.  The -f
         flag forces overwriting.
         fontimport  can  cope  with  font   names   conforming   the
         8.3-namescheme,  too,  so you can import fonts from either a
         TDS-compliant or MSDOS installation. emTeX's font  libraries
         are  not  supported. If you want to import fonts from a font
         library, you need to unpack it with emTeX's fontlib  utility
         The full pathname of  each  font  successfully  imported  is
         echoed  to  stdout.   When fontimport can not parse a font's
         name, it will import  the  font  using  a  path  element  of
         "/unknown/" and issue a warning on stderr.
         fontimport tries to guess the mode of PK files.  With the -m
         flag  you may specify a fallback mode to be used if the mode
         can't be guessed.
         allec(1), allneeded(1), fontexport(1),  Fontname:  Filenames
         for TeX Fonts (
         Thomas Esser (

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