SMP - description of the FreeBSD Symmetric Multi-Processor kernel
The number of CPUs detected by the system is available in the read-only sysctl variable hw.ncpu
Fx allows specific CPUs on a multi-processor system to be disabled. The sysctl variable machdep.hlt_cpus is an integer bitmask denoting CPUs to halt, counting from 0. Setting a bit to 1 will result in the corresponding CPU being disabled.
Fx supports hyperthreading on Intel CPU's on the i386 platform. Since using logical CPUs can cause performance penalties under certain loads, the logical CPUs can be disabled by setting the machdep.hlt_logical_cpus sysctl to one.
Fx 5.0 introduced support for a host of new synchronization primitives, and a move towards fine-grained kernel locking rather than reliance on a Giant kernel lock. The SMPng Project relied heavily on the support of BSDi, who provided reference source code from the fine-grained SMP implementation found in Bs x .
Fx 5.0 also introduced support for SMP on the ia64 and sparc64 architectures.
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