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"Компания Intel опубликовала кодировщик видео SVT-AV1 1.0"
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. "Компания Intel опубликовала кодировщик видео SVT-AV1 1.0" +/
Сообщение от Анонимленьлогиниться (?), 23-Апр-22, 12:00 
Более продвинутая графика:

Broadwell's Intel Quick Sync Video hardware video decoder adds VP8 hardware decoding[23] and encoding[24] support. It adds VP9 and HEVC 10-bit decoding support through the integrated GPU.[25] HEVC decode is achieved through a combination of the fixed function video decoder and shaders.[26] Also, it has two independent bit stream decoder (BSD) rings to process video commands on GT3 GPUs; this allows one BSD ring to process decoding and the other BSD ring to process encoding at the same time.[27]

Новые инструкции:

Broadwell introduced a number of new instructions:

    RDSEED - Generates 16, 32 or 64 bit random numbers seeds (NIST SP 800-90B & NIST SP 800-90C)
    ADCX - Arbitrary precision integer operations
    PREFETCHW - Prefetch data into caches, hinting a write is expected in the future
    SMAP - Supervisor Mode Access Prevention

И поддержка 1ГБ hugepages:

The second-level TLB (STLB)

    Table was enlarged (1,536 entries, up from 1024)
    1GB page mode (16 entries, 4-ways set associative)

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Компания Intel опубликовала кодировщик видео SVT-AV1 1.0, opennews, 22-Апр-22, 16:11  [смотреть все]
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