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"В число проектов GNU принят генератор языковых виртуальных машин Jitter "
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. "В число проектов GNU принят генератор языковых виртуальных м..." +/
Сообщение от Аноним (66), 21-Дек-21, 13:48 
>I fail to see why I should trust a CA, including the ones giving certificates for free.

Because now there is absolutely no means to verify integrity of the channel. There is no absolute "security". Security is always multi-layered and there is always a root of trust. Of course we don't trust CAs. But trusting untrusted TLS is worse than trusting CAs, because untrusted TLS has the root of trust "believe that everyone between your website and my computer behaves fairly knowing beforehand I'm unable to verify if they behave fairly or not". Currently CAs have Cert. Transparency and the root of trust "our company will be completely destroyed if an incident will happen". As an additional measure you can use other roots of trust, that don't rely on CA system, such as OpenPGP. But OpenPGP WoT concept is flawed by itself and doesn't work IRL. The only trust model that is applicable to OpenPGP is TOFU, and it is also flawed because in order it to really work one must meet the person offline and you must know that person really very well to be sure it is not an impersonator. But you are a complete stranger for me, this article is the first time I ever heard about you.

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В число проектов GNU принят генератор языковых виртуальных машин Jitter , opennews, 20-Дек-21, 10:12  [смотреть все]
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