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"Новая редакция манифеста Chrome сделает невозможным использо..."
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. "Новая редакция манифеста Chrome сделает невозможным использо..." +1 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (46), 23-Янв-19, 11:58 
Гугл проверяет общество. И задача общества сейчас показать, что гугл слишком офигел. Так и будем жить на этом балансе теперь, как писалось:
> The point? Google is the red ass monkey. Being at the top of this giant food chain has all the downsides discussed. Rather than a comfortable stronghold, it’s a position of stress, risk, high stakes and volatility. An abuse of power can lead to competitors stepping in the gap, massive revolts of users, billions lost, enormous legal claims, and more. A single technical innovation can wipe out enormous parts of your business. It is an inevitability that no power lasts forever, it has never done so, ever.
> How is this good for us? Google comes across as a rational and intelligent company and I expect them to realize how fragile their position really is. If so, it is a powerful safeguard against actions that are too hostile to the web. They simply can’t afford to. The previous one that tried, Microsoft, has been decimated. It only takes time. A mistake. Being too arrogant. Doing too many wrongs. One lawsuit. Power never lasts, and that is a good thing.
> So instead of freaking out about this dominance, let’s instead sit back, relax and grab some popcorn. The pressure isn’t on us. The web cannot be killed or uninstalled and in the long term, truly isn’t owned by anybody, it’s a temporary illusion at best.

Так что про попкорн верно. Но в идеале распространять новость, гугл подарил идеальный инфоповод.

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Новая редакция манифеста Chrome сделает невозможным использо..., opennews, 23-Янв-19, 10:42  [смотреть все]
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