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"В ядре Linux выявлены эксплуатируемые уязвимости в nf_tables, watch_queue и IPsec"
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. "В ядре Linux выявлены эксплуатируемые уязвимости в nf_tables..." –3 +/
Сообщение от Аноним (45), 29-Мрт-22, 18:20 
> Я представляю, сколько таких дырок в винде

Нет, ты просто врёшь.

В ntoskrnl находят дыр на порядок меньше чем в Linux kernel. К полным исходникам Windows имеют доступ пачка государств и организаций мира.


> This week, the actor made public claims that they had gained access to Microsoft and exfiltrated portions of source code. No customer code or data was involved in the observed activities. Our investigation has found a single account had been compromised, granting limited access. Our cybersecurity response teams quickly engaged to remediate the compromised account and prevent further activity.
> Microsoft does not rely on the secrecy of code as a security measure and viewing source code does not lead to elevation of risk. The tactics DEV-0537 used in this intrusion reflect the tactics and techniques discussed in this blog. Our team was already investigating the compromised account based on threat intelligence when the actor publicly disclosed their intrusion. This public disclosure escalated our action allowing our team to intervene and interrupt the actor mid-operation, limiting broader impact.

Только open source фанаты продолжают верить в миф, что винда - кривая дырявая поделка с кучей дыр.

// b.

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В ядре Linux выявлены эксплуатируемые уязвимости в nf_tables, watch_queue и IPsec, opennews, 29-Мрт-22, 14:31  [смотреть все]
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