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"Поисковая система DuckDuckGo развивает web-браузер для настольных систем"
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. "Поисковая система DuckDuckGo развивает web-браузер для насто..." +/
Сообщение от Scriptor (ok), 23-Дек-21, 12:21 
"I used wget to download all 1,217 of the W3C specifications which have been published at the time of writing1, of which web browsers need to implement a substantial subset in order to provide a modern web experience. I ran a word count on all of these specifications. How complex would you guess the web is?

The total word count of the W3C specification catalogue is 114 million words at the time of writing. If you added the combined word counts of the C11, C++17, UEFI, USB 3.2, and POSIX specifications, all 8,754 published RFCs, and the combined word counts of everything on Wikipedia’s list of longest novels, you would be 12 million words short of the W3C specifications.2

I conclude that it is impossible to build a new web browser. The complexity of the web is obscene"

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Поисковая система DuckDuckGo развивает web-браузер для настольных систем, opennews, 22-Дек-21, 14:02  [смотреть все]
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