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"Выпуск OpenBSD 7.0"
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. "Выпуск OpenBSD 7.0" +/
Сообщение от Аноним (-), 15-Окт-21, 15:33 

Кстати, прикольно почитать про вранье Поттеринга вот тут:
> Porting systemd to other kernel is not feasible. We just use too many Linux-specific interfaces ... for most this is nor ?really possible. Here's a small, very incomprehensive list: fanotify ...  /proc/$PID/comm, /proc/$PID/cmdline ... various prctl()s ... statfs

(кстати, ранее довольно долго и часто повторяемые местными "последователями передового прогресса")
A: > FANotify
> We did not observe any use of FANotify in the systemd source tree.

A: >/proc/$PID/*
> These interfaces are provided by KVM on BSD platforms, and indeed the KVM interface is far simpler than the hassle of parsing those ProcFS files.

A: > Various prctl() calls
> The subreaper functionality is found on FreeBSD and DragonFly BSD and used via their procctl mechanisms

A: > Numerous ioctl flags
> We did not observe any ioctl flags which were both not present on the BSDs but were used to essential ends.

Вишенкой на тортике:
A: > statfs
> This was a BSD thing already present there since 4.4BSD and available on some other systems too. statvfs is the POSIX standard and provides similar information.

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Выпуск OpenBSD 7.0, opennews, 15-Окт-21, 11:03  [смотреть все]
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