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Выпуск проприетарного драйвера NVIDIA 470.42.01, opennews (??), 22-Июн-21, (0) [смотреть все]

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12. "Выпуск проприетарного драйвера NVIDIA 470.42.01"  +5 +/
Сообщение от НяшМяш (ok), 22-Июн-21, 23:51 
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100. "Выпуск проприетарного драйвера NVIDIA 470.42.01"  +/
Сообщение от Stax (ok), 24-Июн-21, 12:52 
Уже и обзор качества подкатили:

The FSR algorithm has two components. First, it does an upscaling pass to a higher resolution, with an edge detection component that works to generate a good result—better than bicubic filtering would be the goal. Then it applies a sharpening filter, and from what we can tell, this is basically just AMD's existing CAS (Contrast Aware Sharpening). CAS on its own at native resolution looks quite good most of the time, and it's relatively lightweight. So the combination of spatial upscaling combined with CAS should provide decent results, as long as you don't push things too far.


That's a good segue into the key differences between FSR and DLSS. Where FSR uses spatial upscaling, DLSS has multiple inputs that feed into its neural network. Besides the source image (which is what FSR uses), DLSS takes motion vectors, temporal feedback from previous frames, and the results of the training algorithm (which uses 16K images as the "Ground Truth" target). There's a lot of computation happening with DLSS, and it requires the tensor cores of Nvidia's RTX cards to reach a playable result—or at least, that's what we're told. Since it's a proprietary algorithm, we have no way of trying to run DLSS on anything else.

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