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"Cisco 871 наcтроить как сервер доступа dial-up"
Отправлено fejin, 20-Авг-09 10:57 
>попробуй autoselect ppp
>у тебя автоматом, по идее, должен подниматься PPP, если коннектишься с винды
>и стартовать интерактивный режим, если коннектишься терминалом.

Да такой пункт не доступен. Вот что есть

yourname#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line.  End with CNTL/Z.
yourname(config)#int asy 1
Interface configuration commands:
  access-expression       Build a bridge boolean access expression
  arp                     Set arp type (arpa, probe, snap) or timeout or log options
  ase                     Configure ASE on an interface
  async                   Async interface parameters
  autodetect              Autodetect Encapsulations on Serial interface
  backup                  Modify backup parameters
  bandwidth               Set bandwidth informational parameter
  bgp-policy              Apply policy propagated by bgp community string
  bridge-group            Transparent bridging interface parameters
  carrier-delay           Specify delay for interface transitions
  cdp                     CDP interface subcommands
  clock                   Configure serial interface clock
  compress                Set serial interface for compression
  crypto                  Encryption/Decryption commands
  custom-queue-list       Assign a custom queue list to an interface
  dampening               Enable event dampening
  default                 Set a command to its defaults
  delay                   Specify interface throughput delay
  description             Interface specific description
  dialer                  Dial-on-demand routing (DDR) commands
  dialer-group            Assign interface to dialer-list
  dot1q                   dot1q interface configuration commands
  dot1x                   Interface Config Commands for IEEE 802.1X
  down-when-looped        Force looped serial interface down
  eigrp                   EIGRP interface specific commands
  encapsulation           Set encapsulation type for an interface
  eou                     EAPoUDP Interface Configuration Commands
  exit                    Exit from interface configuration mode
  fair-queue              Enable Fair Queuing on an Interface
  flow-sampler            Attach flow sampler to the interface
  full-duplex             Configure full-duplex operational mode
  half-duplex             Configure half-duplex and related commands
  help                    Description of the interactive help system
  hold-queue              Set hold queue depth
  ip                      Interface Internet Protocol config commands
  iphc-profile            Configure IPHC profile
  keepalive               Enable keepalive
  l2-filter               Set Layer2 ACL for packet received by upper layer protocols
  lapb                    X.25 Level 2 parameters (Link Access Procedure, Balanced)
  llc2                    LLC2 Interface Subcommands
  load-interval           Specify interval for load calculation for an interface
  logging                 Configure logging for interface
  loopback                Configure internal loopback on an interface
  macro                   Command macro
  max-reserved-bandwidth  Maximum Reservable Bandwidth on an Interface
  mtu                     Set the interface Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
  netbios                 Use a defined NETBIOS access list or enable name-caching
  no                      Negate a command or set its defaults
  ntp                     Configure NTP
  peer                    Peer parameters for point to point interfaces
  ppp                     Point-to-Point Protocol
  priority-group          Assign a priority group to an interface
  pulse-time              Force DTR low during resets
  rate-limit              Rate Limit
  routing                 Per-interface routing configuration
  serial                  serial interface commands
  service-policy          Configure QoS Service Policy
  shutdown                Shutdown the selected interface
  snapshot                Configure snapshot support on the interface
  snmp                    Modify SNMP interface parameters
  source                  Get config from another source
  timeout                 Define timeout values for this interface
  tms-class               Group related information
  traffic-shape           Enable Traffic Shaping on an Interface or Sub-Interface
  transmit-interface      Assign a transmit interface to a receive-only interface
  tx-ring-limit           Configure PA level transmit ring limit
  xconnect                Xconnect commands
  zone-member             Apply zone name


yourname(config-if)#autodetect encapsulation ppp

не помогает. Хотя может не то ставлю:(


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