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"SugarCRM становится проприетарным продуктом"
Отправлено rob pike, 25-Апр-14 01:11 
Там довольно интересная история, и есть над чем подумать. Хотя поорать "вот козлы!" - конечно, веселей, кто бы спорил.

>The business application space is entirely different because none of the managers or sales people out there (the users) is going to develop a single line of code. The symbiotic behavior can only be achieved by letting other people (the developers) participate in the results of the company's marketing efforts (= making money) and in turn getting paid through contributions, bug fixes and 1000s of man years worth of testing.
>In Sugar's case this worked quite well for some time. I have to give them that. But at the same time they made horrendous mistakes:
>The sales channel was (is?) badly maintained and even worse compensated.
>Enterprise grade support (or shall I say support in general?) never really existed and if it did it was a very sad story
>The commercial versions just added a few gimmicks but nothing of substance. The real burning issues for larger entities were never touched. Email functionality, campaign management, deep (server to server) integration with Exchange, project management, ERP integration just to name a few
>The add-on space was never captured and monetized. One should have looked at Apple or Google to learn how developer contributions can create billions in revenues
>Single persons outran them when it came to certain "Pro" functionalities - teams, reports, workflow engine, quotes and invoicing are all better in CE and much much cheaper or even free of charge.
>My advice? Leave everything as it was before this announcement but fix the errors above. Grow balls. Fire the top management.


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