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"Первая бета версия VirtualBox 3.2, теперь с копирайтом Oracl..."
Отправлено pavlinux, 28-Апр-10 23:30 
>>на вмтвари сто лет работало...
>Не пользуюсь пиратским. Хочу чтоб работало без плясок, а денег на WMVare
>нету (жалко).

• Mac OS X hosts. The following restrictions apply (all of which will be resolved
in future versions):
– The numlock emulation has not yet been implemented.
– The CPU frequency metric is not supported.
– 3D OpenGL acceleration. In general the OpenGL support for Linux guest is
experimental. This counts especially in combination with compiz enabled
window managers. Additional we are aware of the following issues:
∗ There are several redraw problems with compiz enabled window man-
agers on Linux guests. E.g. after save/restore state or a resize of the
guest window.
• Mac OS X guests.
– Mac OS X guests can only run on a certain host hardware. For details about
license and host hardware limitations, please see chapter 3.1.1, Mac OS X
guests, page 47.
– VirtualBox does not provide Guest Additions for OS X at this time.
– The graphics resolution currently defaults to 1024x768 as OS X falls back
to the built-in EFI display support. See chapter 3.12.1, Video modes in EFI,
page 61 for more information on how to change EFI video modes.
– Even when idle, OS X guests currently burn 100% CPU. This is a power
management issue that will be addressed in a future release.
– OS X guests only work with one CPU assigned to the VM. Support for SMP
will be provided in a future release.
– Depending on your system and version of OS X, you might experience guest
hangs after some time. This can be fixed by turning off energy saving (set
timeout to “Never”) in the system preferences.
– By default, the VirtualBox EFI enables debug output of the OS X kernel to
help you diagnose boot problems. Note that there is a lot of output and not
all errors are fatal (they would also show on your physical Mac). You can
turn off these messages by issuing this command:
VBoxManage setextradata vmname "VBoxInternal2/EfiBootArgs" "
To revert to the previous behavior, use:
VBoxManage setextradata vmname "VBoxInternal2/EfiBootArgs" ""
• Linux hosts. There are a few problems when compiz is used as the host’s win-


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