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"Рыночный бред"
Отправлено DFX, 24-Ноя-09 13:53 
В общем никто мне так и не объяснил что это за "индустриальный эфир-сеть", по-моему камент на странице обсуждения википедии про это выражает суть cего поделия. :

'I propose this article doesn't belong on Wikipedia, and should be deleted. I argue that "Industrial Ethernet;" the compound noun with an uppercase "i," a single lexical item[]; is rarely used outside of marketing literature, and never used in technical documents. I can find no real documentation about what this mysterious "Industrial Ethernet" is. Is it a collection of protocols? That would be silly considering so many people use the phrase "industrial Ethernet protocols." Is it a modified version of IEEE 802.3[] Ethernet? No, FOUNDATION Fieldbus[] HSE, a commonly cited example of an "Industrial Internet protocol" uses standard Ethernet. Does any body govern "Industrial Ethernet?" Are there technical specs anywhere? Does it have any attributes at all!?

Just look at this article "Industrial Ethernet is the name given to the use of the Ethernet Communications Interface in an industrial environment, for automation and production machine control."

Ok, so "Industrial Ethernet" is a name? How is this different from the concept "industrial Ethernet" where industrial is simply an adjective? Was this the result of a reification fallacy[]? Perhaps this, and the will of some "Industrial Ethernet™" device manufacturers that people believe their's some difference between an "Industrial Ethernet" switch and an ordinary Ethernet switch?

"What Industrial Ethernet is not, is that it is not just a more robust IT version of Ethernet." Disregarding the odd style of this sentence, the double negative, etc, "IT version" of Ethernet? Really!? It shouldn't be necessary to declaratively state each thing, a thing is not, in order to explain it.

Read this article carefully, and tell me you understand what "Industrial Ethernet" is, and how it's different from "industrial Ethernet." (talk) 02:18, 5 August 2009 (UTC)'

похоже промывальщики мозгов добрались и до русских "эзернетов индустриального энтепрайза"


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