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"Релиз системы сборки CMake 3.16"
Отправлено Anonymoustus, 27-Ноя-19 21:31 
Дела обстоят немного лучше.

Привожу для примера описание Дельфи, поскольку первой под руку попалась, но условия использования у них с Билдером одинаковые.

Who Chooses Delphi Community Edition?

Individual Delphi developers, hobbyists, and students who are learning new programming languages, starting to develop cross-platform apps, maintaining open source Delphi projects, or learning the Delphi IDE, who are making less than $5000 in revenue and want to get started with professional-level developer tools.

It’s also perfect for early stage startups who are bootstrapping their product vision before securing capital! Develop your professional app with the Community Edition, knowing that you can skip the learning curve your competition faces when building for multiple platforms.

Am I Eligible for Delphi Community Edition?

If you're an individual you may use Delphi Community Edition to create apps for your own use and apps that you can sell until your revenue reaches $5,000 per year.

If you're a small company or organization without revenue (or up to $5,000 per year in revenue), you can also use the Delphi Community Edition. Once your company's total revenue reaches US $5,000, or your team expands to more than 5 developers, you can move up to an unrestricted commercial license with Professional edition.

Delphi is available in Community, Professional, Enterprise, and Architect editions. For details on the differences between the editions, see the Product Editions page and Feature Matrix. Move up to the Professional edition or above to get additional features including components and drivers for database connectivity, a full commercial development license, and much more.

Ну и дополнительные ссылки:

Отличный, на первый взгляд, «стартовый пакет» или учебная среда. Но весьма жирный, гигабайты диска пожирает словно семечки.

К тому же, я его ни разу не сумел запустить на Windows из-за ошибки с кодом 40373 (проверка лицензии):

Да и не очень-то хотелось.


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