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"Раздел полезных советов: Сокращение времени загрузки Fedora ..."
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Присылайте удачные настройки в раздел примеров файлов конфигурации на
. "Сокращение времени загрузки Fedora 17 c 15 до 3 секунд" +/
Сообщение от pavlinux (ok), 02-Июн-12, 03:39 
> ... что делает "libahci.ignore_sss=1"?

Дикий баян, за 2009 год. Тогда уже юзали в Оpenembbedded, OSADL, RTLinux, ART Linux,
в OpenSuSE оно с версии ядра 2.6.33,...  
Короче все, кроме фидорасов, а тут ёптя, проснулись. :)

ignore_sss - "Ignore staggered spinup flag", 0=don't ignore, 1=ignore.

10.9 Staggered Spin-up Operation

  Staggered spin-up is an optional feature in the Serial ATA II: Extensions to Serial ATA 1.0a revision 1.2
specification. This feature enables an HBA to individually spin-up attached devices. The feature is useful
to avoid having a power supply that must handle maximum current draw from all devices at the same time
when applying power to the devices. In order for a system to support staggered spin-up, the devices, the
HBA, and BIOS/driver must all support staggered spin-up.
  In systems that support staggered spin-up, an HBA can individually spin-up devices connected to
implemented SATA ports. In systems that do not support staggered spin-up, the HBA spins up all
connected SATA devices upon receiving power to the HBA.
  Staggered spin-up is only performed when power is applied to the drive. If the drive has been spun-down
due to an ATA command (e.g. STANDBY) and the device continues to be powered, the drive will not
spin-up again until access to the media is required – the staggered spin-up mechanism is not invoked in
this case. Note that when a system transitions to system power management state S3 or greater, the
drive will cease having power applied. Since the drive loses power, when the drive is powered back on in
the transition back to S0, the drive will undergo another staggered spin-up process.
HBAs that support staggered spin-up shall have the following additional features:

• CAP.SSS shall be set.
• For each port, PxCMD.SUD shall be read/write.

ahci: add a module parameter to ignore the SSS flags for async scanning
    The SSS flag, which directs the OS to spin up one disk at a time
    to not have the PSU blow out, sometimes gets set even when not needed.
    The effect of this is a longer-than-needed boot time.
    This patch adds a module parameter that makes the driver ignore SSS
    at least as far as the parallel scan during boot is concerned...

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Раздел полезных советов: Сокращение времени загрузки Fedora ..., auto_tips, 31-Май-12, 19:56  [смотреть все]
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